Making Money Online With ZERO Investment

I have created a new and improved version of K Money Mastery which is called, Mastering Book Publishing!

Want to start making money online with zero investment?

I recently received a question from someone asking me if there's a way to make money online without having to invest any money.

The answer is yes, and I'm going to break down exactly how you can make your first dollar online without spending a penny.  The example that I will give is making money with Kindle publishing, as that's the primary method of making money online that I specialize in with my Mastering Book Publishing course.

(Click here to watch on YouTube)

Do you want my proven step-by-step system for publishing books on Amazon? CLICK HERE to purchase my new and improved Mastering Book Publishing course! How To Make Money With Kindle Without Spending Money

So you want to make money online, but don't want to invest any money? While this is 100% possible (and I'll show you how below), it isn't recommended (I will explain why later). First, let me share with you exactly how you can make money with Kindle Publishing without investing any money.1. Your Kindle Publishing Strategy

The first thing that you require is a method or strategy to be successful at making money with Kindle.  While investing in a course that can show you HOW to be successful from start to finish is ideal, it is not necessary.  There are plenty of people that have battled their ways of making money on Kindle by slowly figuring things out on their own and learning from trial and error.  There might be some answers you can dig up to things on certain message boards or blogs that can help you along the way, so it can be done.

Yes, it will take you a lot longer by trying to do it by yourself.  You will also be more likely to fail, experience more frustrations, and likely make some crucial mistakes that could have been avoided if you invested in a quality course, to begin with.  But it CAN be done without investing in a course and there are plenty of people that have proven that.2. Discover A Profitable Niche For Your Kindle Book

You will need to discover a profitable niche or category for the Kindle book that you want to publish. If you do have an idea for a Kindle book, how do you know it's going to sell and be successful?

Being able to identify whether or not there is a MARKET for what you want to create is one of the most important things to master in making money online.  You not only have to know whether there's a market but if the book idea you have will be PROFITABLE.

Your Kindle book idea may seem profitable, but what about the competition?  Is the market or niche too competitive for you?  Will you be able to compete with the Kindle books out there that have been around for a while and are dominating the space?

These are all important things that you need to know before publishing a Kindle book. This can be done on your own (if you have some online marketing experience, then that's plus), or you can use someone else's method of research (in a course), or invest in software to help with your niche research (AK Elite or KDP Spy).

Investing in software is also not necessary for you to publish a Kindle book.  I've found many profitable niches without using one, so it can be done on your own (although it does make things much easier and faster).3. Create Your Kindle Book Cover

Once you've discovered the niche for your Kindle book, it's next time to come up with a killer title for it, which of course can be done on your own.  A great course can help show you how to come up with a title that sells and optimize it for all the best keywords, but it isn't required.

Next is creating your Kindle book cover.  You can do this if you have your own graphics editing software.  While Adobe Photoshop is the best (it costs money), you can use whatever free software that your computer has come with.

Creating your own cover can require some creativity and skill.  While I'd typically hire and outsource this for as low as $5, it CAN be done on your own if you choose to spend the time to learn how and go through the process.4. Write Your Kindle Book

The next step is to write your Kindle book.

You CAN write your own Kindle book, even if you aren't a writer.  I've seen many people do it and have success doing it.  Heck, I wrote my first Kindle books without any experience writing previously.  Writing is a skill that can be learned and developed.  Some courses can help you write your own book and show you how to do it faster than you could do it on your own, but again, it is NOT required.

If you aren't a writer (or hate writing), then the option that I recommend for people is to outsource this step and hire a ghostwriter.  There are plenty of writers (and companies that I use) that can write your Kindle book for you on ANY topic you want for as low as $55-75 for a 5000-word book.  This costs money and it's an option that is available for you.  They will typically deliver the book within 7-14 days.

However, you can do it on your own without investing any money.  It might take you longer than if you were to outsource it (it took me a year to write my first book – crazy, I know!), but it can be easily done if you want to write your own book.5. Publish And Market Your Kindle Book

Publishing and marketing your Kindle book is the final step to have you get started making money. You just need to sign up for a KDP account (Kindle Direct Publishing), which is free. Then you can just easily follow the steps to upload and publish your Kindle book which can then be live selling on Amazon within 24 hours.

Your Kindle book will then be ready to make money for you! Of course, there is a lot you can do to promote and market your Kindle book so that it gets sold.  This is all stuff that can be learned on your own (just through searching the internet), or can be learned through investing in a course (again, costs money).

It will take you longer and require more effort to learn how to market your book on your own, but it IS possible (if you don't want to invest any money). There you have it… I just broke down 5 simple steps that you can follow to start making money with Kindle publishing.

It is absolutely possible to start making money online without investing a penny. But after reading the steps above, my question for you is:  Why the heck would you? If there is a course or method that will show you how to make money online that is faster, easier, and will save you frustration and failure… then WHY wouldn't you just invest some money and take advantage of it? Let Me Show You An Easier And Faster Way…

It doesn't make any sense why someone would attempt to do something on their own and not invest any money into learning how to do it effectively.

In my opinion, it is just stupid and very unintelligent to attempt to re-invent the wheel.

If you ever want to make money online (or do anything for that matter), the best advice I can give anyone is to invest in a course or program that can teach you how.

By investing in a great course or program, you are compressing time and speeding up your success massively.

Instead of attempting to do things on your own… find people that are already more experienced than you and hire them to do it for you!

This is exactly what I chose to do to grow my online business.

I did this with my Kindle e-books by deciding to hire ghostwriters writers to write 99% of my Kindle books for me.  I also chose to do this by getting my e-covers designed.  I have virtual assistants that work every day to promote my Kindle books and market them.

In the same way, I hire copywriters, graphics designers, web designers, programmers, and everything else you can imagine for most aspects of my business.  This is what allows me to grow faster and make more money online. I attend seminars all the time, read books, and hire coaches/mentors to learn from.

YES… I could learn and do everything on my own, but it doesn't make sense to.  My time is more valuable. When you re-write yourself to think in terms of leveraging and outsourcing (learning from others is leveraging your time), then success becomes much faster and easier to attain.

Again, yes, you can do it all on your own… it is possible… but I don't recommend it. Learn to work smarter, not harder. That's the one thing that all successful people do.

Do you want my proven step-by-step system for publishing books on Amazon? CLICK HERE to purchase my new and improved Mastering Book Publishing course!

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